Next Upcoming Biology Seminar

Light as an Architect: How Light Quality Shapes Plant Structure

Dr. Ullas Pedmale
- | Leidy 109 and via Zoom.

Upcoming Biology Seminar Series

Light as an Architect: How Light Quality Shapes Plant Structure

Dr. Ullas Pedmale
- | Leidy 109 and via Zoom.

Ubiquitination pathways in bacterial immunity

Dr. Kevin Corbett, UC San Diego
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Time and temperature matter in plant thermotolerance

Dr. Nick Kaplinsky, Swarthmore College
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

The Panorama: Proteins, Pathogens, and Science in Peril

Dr. Brandon Ugbunu, Yale University
- | Fagin 116 and Zoom

Deciphering host invasion mechanisms of apicomplexan parasites by cryo-electron tomography

Dr. Yi-Wei Chang, UPenn Perelman School of Medicine
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Seminar with Jason Munshi-South, Title TBA

Dr. Jason Munshi-South, Drexel University
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Virus-like intercellular communication in the nervous system

Dr. Jason D. Shepherd, University of Utah
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Seminar with Arkarup Banerjee, Title TBA

Dr. Arkarup Banerjee, Cold Spring Harbor
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

The evolution of immunity and pathogenesis within environmental battlegrounds

Dr. Tera Levin, Click here to join.
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom