Next Upcoming Biology Seminar

Ubiquitination pathways in bacterial immunity

Dr. Kevin Corbett, UC San Diego
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Abstract: In the past decade, bacteria have been found to possess over 100 distinct immune pathways that protect them against viral infection. Many of these antiviral immune pathways represent ancient versions of important eukaryotic innate-immune factors or fundamental signaling pathways. I will discuss three families of bacterial immune pathways that are related to eukaryotic ubiquitination pathways. Using biochemistry, structural biology, and genetics, we and our collaborators have shown that these pathways represent bona fide protein conjugation systems with structural and mechanistic parallels to eukaryotic systems. Our findings have upended the traditional understanding of how ubiquitination pathways evolved, demonstrating that these pathways originated in the context of bacterial antiviral immunity.

Upcoming Biology Seminar Series

Ubiquitination pathways in bacterial immunity

Dr. Kevin Corbett, UC San Diego
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Time and temperature matter in plant thermotolerance

Dr. Nick Kaplinsky, Swarthmore College
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

The Panorama: Proteins, Pathogens, and Science in Peril

Dr. Brandon Ugbunu, Yale University
- | Fagin 116 and Zoom

Deciphering host invasion mechanisms of apicomplexan parasites by cryo-electron tomography

Dr. Yi-Wei Chang, UPenn Perelman School of Medicine
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Seminar with Jason Munshi-South, Title TBA

Dr. Jason Munshi-South, Drexel University
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Virus-like intercellular communication in the nervous system

Dr. Jason D. Shepherd, University of Utah
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Deciphering Neural Circuits for Vocal Communication: Insights from the Singing Mice.

Dr. Arkarup Banerjee, Cold Spring Harbor
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

The evolution of immunity and pathogenesis within environmental battlegrounds

Dr. Tera Levin, Click here to join.
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom