Behavior is adaptive and the ultimate determinant of survival, both at the level of the individual as well as the species. Understanding the physiological basis of how behavior is produced and modified requires a multidisciplinary approach at both the individual and group level that is ultimately of great benefit for human health. Here in the Department of Biology, researchers use a diversity of experimental and conceptual approaches that range from work in the field studying primate social cognition to the molecular dissection of neural networks for memory storage.
Research -

Erol Akçay
Associate Professor of Biology
236 Lynch Laboratory

Katie Barott
Associate Professor of Biology
Leidy 327A Laboratory

Nicholas Betley
Associate Professor of Biology
304F Lynch Laboratory

Nancy M. Bonini
Florence R.C. Murray Professor of Biology Secondary Faculty, Cell & Developmental Biology, Perelman School of Medicine, Secondary Faculty, Neuroscience, Perelman School of Medicine
204G Lynch Laboratory

Yun Ding
Assistant Professor
221 Leidy Laboratory

Junhyong Kim
Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Biology Co-Director, Penn Program in Single Cell Biology, Secondary Professor, Computer and Information Science
304G Lynch Laboratory

Yoichiro Mori
Calabi-Simons Professor of Mathematics and Biology
Levin 352

Dejian Ren
Professor of Biology Graduate Chair
204H Lynch Laboratory

Lawrence Rome
Professor of Biology
208 Leidy Laboratory

Marc Schmidt
Professor of Biology Co-Director, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program
217 Leidy Laboratory

Paul Schmidt
Patricia M. Williams Term Professor of Biology Undergraduate Chair (on sabbatical 2024-2025; please contact Scott Poethig)
225 Leidy Laboratory

Ala Stanford
Professor of the Practice of Biology
Carolyn Lynch Laboratory