
On behalf of Drs. Daniel Rader and Sarah Tishkoff, the Center for Global Genomics & Health Equity and the Department of Genetics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine welcome your attendance at the jointly hosted virtual symposium entitled, “Importance and Challenges of Increasing Ethnic Diversity in Human Genomics Research”. The two-day symposium will be held on Wednesday, February 24 and Thursday, February 25 from 12:00PM to 4:00PM (EST). Registration is open and attached is the flyer which includes the link. Please visit our Center’s website at https://globalgenomics.med.upenn.edu/ to review the full Agenda and Speakers bios.
The symposium includes invited speakers of diverse backgrounds discussing their research and experiences in increasing diversity in human genomics and the ethical issues to be considered. The topics of discussion for the two-day virtual symposium are:
Day 1: “Importance and Value of Increasing Ethnic Diversity in Human Genomics Research”
Day 2: “Challenges with Conducting Genomic Studies in Minority Populations”
The symposium is free and faculty, postdocs, students, and staff are all welcome to attend. Please extend this email and attachment to your colleagues, peers, and list servers. If you have any questions, please email us at PennGGHE@pennmedicine.upenn.edu.
We look forward to having your participation at the symposium. Thank you.