Past Events

Graduate Student Talks

Youngjun Li & Katya Tarasovetc
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Visualizing the inner life of cells with super-resolution microscopy

Department of Biology Seminar Series
Melike Lakadamyali

Spatio-temporal heterogeneities in a mechano-chemical model of cell migration

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Andreas Buttenschoen (University of British Columbia)

Graduate Student Talks

Zach Oppler & Abby DiVito
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The biology of mitochondrial genome cheaters

Department of Biology Seminar Series
Maulik Patel; Vanderbilt University

Models of Gene Regulatory Networks in Bacteria, Plants, and Roundworms

Mathematical Biology Seminar
Cody FitzGerald (University of Utah)
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Multiscale inference and modeling of cell fate via single-cell data

Mathematical Seminar Series
Qing Nie (University of California, Irvine)

Graduate Student Talks

Heather Schiller, Yueyao Zhu
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