Past Events

Making the Unexpected Expected and Predictable: Microbial Diversity and Biogeochemistry in a Changing Environment

Dr. Xin Sun, Carnegie Institution
- | Leidy 109

The wisdom of the crowd: How bacterial collectives (re)shape themselves

Dr. Sujit Datta, Princeton University
- | DRL 4C2 and via Zoom

The Continuum of Gene Regulation at Single-Cell Resolution, from Drosophila to Human Complex Traits

Dr. Diego Calderon, University of Washington
- | Leidy 109

Mucosal biophysics in disease transmission

Dr. Caroline Wagner, McGill University
- | Zoom

Cotranscriptional RNA folding and processing in biology and disease

Dr. Angela Yu, University of Washington
- | Leidy 109

Early-life determinants of future phenotype: the role of developmental plasticity and life history trade-offs

Dr. Zach Laubach, University of Colorado
- | Leidy 109

Animal collectives and their mysterious interaction with the fluid environment

Hungtang Ko
- | DRL 4C2 and via Zoom

Social Strategies and Social Resilience in Changing Environments

Dr. Madeleine Ostwald, University of California, Santa Barbara
- | Leidy 109

Deep-learning enabled design of functional DNA-binding proteins

Dr. Cameron Glasscock, University of Washington
- | Leidy 109 and via Zoon