Past Events

Rewired regulatory pathways involving retrotransposons impact reproduction and early development

Dr. Andrew Modzelewski, Penn Vet School
- | Leidy 109 and via Zoom

Three microswimmers stories

Julien Bouvard, Adam Gargasson, Taha Laroussi
- | DRL 3C2 and over Zoom

Machine Learning for the Future of Structural Biology

Dr. Kevin M. Dalton, Harvard University
- | Leidy 109

Long transient dynamics in a stochastic ecological system

Dr. Jody Reimer, University of Utah
- | Zoom

The role of cortical linkers and the glycocalyx in outward budding: insights from biophysical modeling

Dr. Padmini Rangamani, University of California, San Diego
- | DRL 3W2 and via Zoom

The role of mutualisms in structuring plant communities in a changing world

Dr. Camille Delavaux, ETH Zürich
- | Leidy 109

Making the Unexpected Expected and Predictable: Microbial Diversity and Biogeochemistry in a Changing Environment

Dr. Xin Sun, Carnegie Institution
- | Leidy 109

The wisdom of the crowd: How bacterial collectives (re)shape themselves

Dr. Sujit Datta, Princeton University
- | DRL 4C2 and via Zoom

The Continuum of Gene Regulation at Single-Cell Resolution, from Drosophila to Human Complex Traits

Dr. Diego Calderon, University of Washington
- | Leidy 109