Past Events

On The Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics of Inefficient Viral Infections

Dr. Joshua Weitz, University of Maryland
- | DRL 4C6 and via Zoom

From modular organisms to biological machines: the plasticity of life

Dr. Douglas Blackiston, Harvard University
- | Fagin 116 and Zoom

Integrative models of 3D nuclear DNA organization

Dr. Anupama Jha
- | Fagin 116 and Zoom

Generative neural network methods for evolutionary inference

Dr. Sara Mathieson
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Synthesizing Biological Sequences Designed by Generative Models at Petascale

Dr. Eli Weinstein
- | Fagin 116 and Zoom

Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics in Human-altered Environments: Insights Across Scales of Organization (Adaptation, Resilience and Restoration)

Dr. Mattheau Comerford, University of Massachusetts, Boston
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom

Bright lights and hot summer nights: an integrative approach to understanding avian responses to urbanization.

Dr. Valentina Alaasam, New York University
- | Leidy 109 and Zoom