Admissions Information
Students who are accepted into the program are fully funded through various means, such as educational fellowships, training grants, teaching assistantships, and research fellowships.
First-year students are funded by Educational Fellowships which includes a monthly stipend, health insurance premium, tuition, general fee, and clinical fee. Students complete course work and lab rotaions while being supported through the non-service Educational Fellowships.
In most cases, students are funded by Teaching Assistantships during their second year, at which time they complete their teaching requirement. Again, the stipend, tuition, general fee, clinical fee, and health insurance premiums are fully funded under the teaching assistantship program.
Prior to matriculation, we require that international students successfully complete the summer International Teaching Assistantship Training Program, conducted here at the University of Pennsylvania, starting in late June and continuing until late August. (The University will provide a stipend and health insurance for this two-month period.) Upon completion of this training program and passing of SPEAK test (an institutional version of the TSE) or Interactive Performance Test, the student is then eligible for a teaching assistant position.
Advanced students, from their third year on, are funded by several sources, usually research fellowships and teaching assistantships. Some students are awarded training grants in their second or third year. Students can also apply for outside fellowships and competitive University fellowships for support during their dissertation years.
Students are fully funded for a minimum of five years dependent upon satisfactory academic performance. Effective September 1, 2024, each student is paid a stipend of $41,800.