

Department Seminars 


Department Seminar Schedule

The Biology graduate students and the Biology Department sponsor the Department Seminar Program. The intent of this seminar program is to provide an opportunity for the department members to hear about new and exciting developments in biology. For this reason, first-year students must attend these seminars. All other students are strongly encouraged to attend these seminars.

Speakers are scheduled so that the topics vary from week to week to give variety whenever possible.

Biology Department Seminars are held on Thursdays, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm in room 109 in Leidy; refreshments are served at 11:45 am. 


Other Seminars of Interest 

Other graduate groups and institutes in the University run seminar series that are similar to the Biology's Department Seminar Program. Links for interested students are as follows:

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Cell and Molecular Biology Seminars

Genomics and Computational Biology Seminars
