As of July 2024, concentrations have been removed from the curriculum. If you declared the major prior to this date, please follow this link to review the major requirements.
The biology major requires 17 CUs to be completed. Students interested in pursuing the biology major will need to choose between the two introductory tracks
Track 1: BIOL 1121/1123/1124 + any 2000-level or higher BIOL course
Track 2: BIOL 1101/1102.
BIOL 1121 is a one semester lecture introduction to the major and is designed for students with a strong foundation in high school Biology and Chemistry. The BIOL 1121 lecture covers topics similar to those found in BIOL 1101, but in greater detail and at a quicker pace. BIOL 1123/1124 are the corresponding labs and are equivalent to the labs in the BIOL 1101/1102 series. The final 2000-level or higher course will ensure that all students have 3 CUs for their introductory biology requirement.
The BIOL 1101/1102 series is a more standard, two-semester introduction to biology and the major. Biology 1101 covers topics in cellular and molecular biology and genetics, and BIOL 1102 covers topics in ecology, evolution, and organismal biology.
To make a request to apply for the Biology major, please fill out the Student Information form and Course Sequence worksheet and submit it to the following link. You will also need log-in to Path@Penn and, under Academic Planning & Registration, choose and fill out the "Declare/Update Field of Study" form.
*When submitting your declaration request on Path@Penn, please do so for the upcoming semester.
**Please note: Requests will not be reviewed until all materials are submitted.
Course Requirements for the Biology Major
Biology majors should aim to complete the following introductory sequences by the end of the sophomore year.
Introductory Biology (3 CUs)
Track 1: BIOL 1121, 1123, 1124, and any 2000-level or higher BIOL course.
Track 2: BIOL 1101 and 1102
External Sciences – Physical Science, Math, Statistics, and Computer Science (4 CUs)
You may take any combination of courses from the following list to meet the 4 CU requirement:
General Chemistry I (CHEM 1011, OR 1012, OR 1151) with or without lab (CHEM 1101)
General Chemistry II (CHEM 1021, OR 1022, OR 1161) with or without lab (CHEM 1102)
Physics I (PHYS 0101 OR 0150)
Physics II (PHYS 0102 OR 0151)
Calculus (MATH 1300 AND/OR 1400 AND/OR 1410)
Statistics (BIOL 2510 OR STAT 1110 OR STAT 1020) Please note, only 1 CU of stats can be counted toward the major.
Computer Science (CIS 1200 AND/OR 1600)
Intermediate Biology (4 CUs):
Choose two courses from each group.
Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2010: Cell Biology
BIOL 2110: Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
BIOL 2210: Molecular Biology and Genetics
BIOL 2810 OR CHEM 2510: Biochemistry/Principles of Biological Chemistry
Organismal Biology
BIOL 2140: Animal Behavior
BIOL 2410: Evolutionary Biology
BIOL 2610: Ecology
BIOL 2311 OR 3310: Human Physiology
Additional Biology Electives (6 CUs):
Any 2000-level or above BIOL courses that are not being used to satisfy other requirements for the Biology major.
Up to 3 Approved Extra-Departmental credits for biology majors (see restrictions).
Courses offered for students in LPS programs (BIOL 2001, 2201, 2301, 2701, 2801, 3004, 3006, and 3313) do not typically satisfy requirements in the major (see restrictions).
Please see below for recommended courses of study that focus on specific topics in biology.
While concentrations are no longer available, you can design your own set of electives to reflect your interests. The following links will take you to a list of recommended courses of study that focus on popular disciplines in biology.
- Computational/Mathematical Biology
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Molecular and Disease Biology
- Neurobiology
If you are interested in computational/mathematical aspects of biology, we recommend taking these courses to fulfill some of the biology major requirements:
In the Physical Science, Math, Statistics, and Computer Science requirements, we recommend you take the following courses:
MATH 1400 and/or MATH 1410
BIOL 2510
CIS 1200
CIS 1600
In the Intermediate Biology section, we recommend the following as 2 of the 4 required courses:
BIOL 2210
BIOL 2410
For the upper-level Electives, while all the CIS, STAT, and MATH courses would be good options for your three extra-departmental courses, here is a short list of both departmental and extra-departmental courses recommended by the department:
BIOL 4536
BIOL 4511
BIOL 4517
CIS 1210
CIS 5450
CIS 3200
BIOL 4231
BIOL 4235
If you are interested in ecology and evolutionary biology, we recommend taking these courses to fulfill some of the biology major requirements:
In the Physical Science, Math, Statistics, and Computer Science requirements, we recommend you take the following courses:
MATH 1400 [MATH 1300 TBD]
BIOL 2510
CHEM 1011
CHEM 1022
In the Intermediate Biology section, we recommend taking
BIOL 2210
BIOL 2010 or BIOL 2810
BIOL 2410
BIOL 2610
BIOL 3310 or BIOL 2311
For the upper-level Electives, here is a short list of both departmental and extra-departmental courses we recommend:
BIOL 2140
BIOL 3625
BIOL 4119
BIOL 4600
BIOL 4615
BIOL 4430
BIOL 4517
BIOL 4669
EESC 4200
EESC 4440
EESC 4660
If you are interested in molecular and disease biology, we recommend taking these courses to fulfill some of the biology major requirements:
In the Physical Science, Math, Statistics, and Computer Science requirements, we recommend you take the following courses:
MATH 1400 [MATH 1300 TBD]
BIOL 2510
CHEM 1011
CHEM 1022
In the Intermediate Biology section, we recommend taking
BIOL 2010
BIOL 2210
BIOL 2810
BIOL 2410
BIOL 3310 or BIOL 2311
For the upper-level Electives, here is a list of courses recommended by the department:
BIOL 3054
BIOL 3710
BIOL 4004
BIOL 4007
BIOL 4010
BIOL 4016
BIOL 4024
BIOL 4026
BIOL 4231
BIOL 4233
BIOL 4234
BIOL 4244
BIOL 4250
BIOL 4266
BIOL 4310
BIOL 4430
BIOL 4701
BIOL 4710
BIOL 4825
BIOL 5022
CHEM 2411
CHEM 2421
If you are interested in neurobiology, we recommend taking these courses to fulfill some of the biology major requirements:
In the Physical Science, Math, Statistics, and Computer Science requirements, we recommend you take some of the following courses:
MATH 1300
MATH 1400
BIOL 2510
CHEM 1011
CHEM 1022
PHYS 0102
In the Intermediate Biology section, we recommend taking
BIOL 2010
BIOL 2110
BIOL 2210
BIOL 2810
BIOL 2140
BIOL 3310 or BIOL 2311
For the upper-level Electives, here is a list of both departmental and extra-departmental courses recommended by the department:
NRSC 1110
BIOL 3054
BIOL 4210
BIOL 4110
BIOL 4116
BIOL 4119
BIOL 4142
BIOL 4266
BIOL 4310
NRSC 2227
NRSC 2249
NRSC 2269
NRSC 2270
NRSC 2350
NRSC 3492
NRSC 4421
NRSC 4460
NRSC 4480
NRSC 4482
NGG 5730