To make a request to apply for a Biology Minor, please log-in to Path@Penn, select Path forms, then choose "Declare/Update Field of Study". Also, please fill out the application for the minor and submit to the following link. Please email the Academic Office with any questions.
Introductory Biology (2-3 CUs)
Track 1 (2 CUs): BIOL1121 with BIOL1123 and BIOL1124 [BIOL121 with 123 and BIOL 124]
Track 2 (3 CUs): BIOL1101 and BIOL1102 [BIOL 101 and 102]
Introductory Chemistry (2 CUs)
CHEM1011 or 1012 or 1151 (1 CU) [CHEM101 or 115]
CHEM1021 or 1022 or 1161 (1 CU) [CHEM102 or 116]
Intermediate Biology (4 CUs)
Select one course from each of the following groups:
Group 1: BIOL2810 or BIOL2010 or CHEM2510 (1 CU) [BIOL204 or 205 or CHEM 251]
Group 2: BIOL2210 (1 CU) [BIOL 221]
Group 3: BIOL2311 or BIOL2140 or BIOL2110 or 3310 (1 CU) [BIOL 210 or 231 or 251 or 215]
Group 4: BIOL2410 or BIOL2610 (1 CU) [BIOL 230 or 240]
Additional Biology Course (Track 1 only)
Additional BIOL2000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 level courses
Must be a BIOL course, no extra-departmental courses accepted.
At least 3 of the 7 BIOL courses for the minor must be unique to the Biology minor and cannot be counted toward any other majors or minors.