
Undergraduate students that have declared any major are welcome to apply to the Biology submatriculation Master’s program. This program will introduce exceptional students to advanced concepts and methods in biology through a combination of upper-level coursework and an extensive research experience. Research experiences that incorporate planning, execution, and communication of research projects provide training that is essential for success in most science-oriented careers. This research-intensive Master’s program provides an opportunity to (1) discover what it is like to be involved in research, (2) gain an extensive understanding of how biological knowledge is discovered, and (3) identify future educational and career directions and how well-suited you may be for them. The program requires students to complete their undergraduate major curriculum as well as four additional research course units under the guidance of a Biology Graduate Group faculty member ( and ).


To learn more about the requirements for the submatriculation master degree click here.

To learn how to apply to the program click here.


Master's Program Director: Dustin Brisson

Master's Program Coordinator: Marissa Lopez