Requirements for Biology Submatriculation

Students Must Fulfill the Following Requirements: 

1. Obtain a commitment of research support from a faculty member in the Biology Graduate Group (Master's Thesis Advisor). These include all faculty members in the Biology department and several faculty members in other departments

2. Achieve a Grade Point Average of 3.0 in their major field.

3. Complete 4 graduate level lecture courses (5000-level or higher [400-level or higher]) and receive grades of "B" or better in each of them.

4. Complete 4 cus of BIOL5999 [BIOL 599] with your Master's Thesis Advisor and receive grades of "B" or better for each semester. BIOL5999 application form

5. Attend the Master's Research Symposium where finishing Master's students present their research.

6. Write a Master's thesis and present your research at a Master's Research Symposium. Consult the Master's Style Guidebook for information on how to format your thesis; you may disregard information about submitting your thesis to the Graduate Division. The Biology Master's Program Coordinator, Marissa Lopez, will handle submitting proper forms to the Graduate Division and a copy of your thesis to the library.

Your Thesis Committee will consist of two members: the Chairperson (your Master's Thesis Advisor), your research advisor if different than your Master's thesis advisor, and a reader who will be assigned to your thesis. Your thesis will likely require several rounds of edits and questions from your committee members. Once your thesis has been approved by your committee, the Chairperson must notify the Master's Program coordinator.

You will give one unbound copy of your thesis to the Academic Office (Room 102, Leidy Laboratories). Your thesis will be sent to the Library for binding and cataloging.

For general questions regarding the Biology Submatriculation Master's Program, please contact Marissa Lopez, the Master's Program Coordinator, at