Applying to Submatriculate in Biology

To submatriculate to the Master's program, you must complete the an application before taking graduate level courses.  

1. All applicants must have the support of a Master's Thesis Advisor and attend a Biology Master's Program information session prior to submitting a formal application. All members of the Biology graduate group can serve as your Master's Thesis Advisor ( and; please be sure to complete the Advisor Support Form.

2. Print a copy of the Submatriculation Form and see the Master’s Program Coordinator, Marissa Lopez, to discuss coursework and gain approval. The Undergraduate Chair must sign the Submatriculation Form if courses are to be double-counted between the Master's and undergraduate degrees.*More information on required signatures in Step 4.

3. Contact your College Contact (College Advising Office - 120 Cohen Hall, 215-898-6341) to open the application in Path @ Penn. Fill out a Submatriculation Master's Application. You will need to provide the name and email address for two people to submit a letter of recommendation. One of the recommendation letters must be from your Master's thesis advisor. 

4. IMPORTANT:  You must submit a Submatriculation form to your College Contact each semester. If courses are not showing up on your graduate transcript, discuss this with your College Contact.

5. Register to graduate with the Master’s degree in the first academic month of the semester in which you plan to graduate. You will receive directions on how to write your thesis and other requirements. You will not be giving the Graduate School a copy of your thesis, contrary to what the directions tell you.