Molecular and Cell Biology

The concentration in Molecular and Cell Biology explores how techniques in molecular biology and genetics are used to understand cell function. This concentration allows Biology majors to focus on a molecular approach to biological problems by combining lecture and seminar coursework with training in laboratory research. The list of course electives is organized into two categories: Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics and Genomics. Advanced Experimental Research is required for the concentration.

To make a request to apply for the Molecular and Cell biology concentration, please log-in to Path@Penn, select Path forms, then choose "Declare/Update Field of Study". Also, please fill out the Student Information form and worksheet for the concentration and submit them to the following link. Please contact with any questions.

*Sophomores and Juniors, when submitting your declaration request on Path@Penn, please do so for the Spring 2024 semester.


*Please note: Requests will not be reviewed until all materials are submitted.

Requirements for the Molecular and Cell Biology concentration

Introductory Biology (1.5 - 3 cu):

  • Track 1 (2 CUs): BIOL1121 with BIOL1123 and BIOL1124 [BIOL121 with 123 and BIOL 124]
  • Track 2 (3 CUs): BIOL1101 and BIOL1102 [BIOL 101 and 102]

Chemistry (4 cu):

 Choose any 4 of the following courses:

  • CHEM1012 or 1151 with 1101 (1.5 CUs) [CHEM101 or 115 with 053]
  • CHEM1022 or 1161 with 1102 (1.5 CUs) [CHEM102 or 116 with 054]
  • CHEM2410 (1 CU) [CHEM 241]
  • CHEM2420 (1 CU) [CHEM242]
  • CHEM2450 (1 CU) [CHEM245]

Calculus and Statistics (2 cu):

 Choose any 2 of the following courses:

  • MATH1400 (1 CU) [MATH 104]
  • MATH1410 or 1510 (1 CU) [MATH 114 or 115]
  • STAT1110 or BIOL2510 (1 CU) [STAT111 or BIOL446]

Intermediate Biology (3 cu):

  • BIOL2810 or CHEM2510 Biochemistry (1 CU) [BIOL204 or CHEM 251]
  • BIOL2010 Cell Biology (1 cu) [BIOL 205]
  • BIOL2210 Molecular Biology and Genetics (1 cu) [BIOL 221]

Advanced Biology Electives (4 - 5 cu):

Track 1 students must take 5 electives, Track 2 students take 4 electives

Group 1: Molecular and Cell Biology (2 or 3 cu):

  • BIOL 3710 Microbial Diversity and Pathogenesis (1 cu; spring only) [BIOL 375]
  • BIOL 4004 Immunobiology (1 cu; fall and spring) [BIOL 404]
  • BIOL 4016 Molecular Mechanisms of Infectious Disease (1 cu; spring only) [BIOL 406]
  • BIOL 4710 Topics in Prokaryotic Biology (1 cu; spring even years) [BIOL 475]
  • BIOL 4010 Advanced Cell Biology (1 cu; spring only) [BIOL 480]
  • BIOL 4024 Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton (1 cu; not offered fall 2022) [BIOL 484]
  • BIOL 4026 Chromosome and Cell Cycle (1 cu; spring only) [BIOL 486]
  • BIOL 5022 Cell Signaling (1 cu; fall only) [BIOL 482]


Group 2: Genetics and Genomics (2 or 3 cu):

  • BIOL 4231 Genome Sciences and Genomic Medicine (1 cu; spring only) [BIOL 431]
  • BIOL 4536 Introduction to Computational Biology and Biological Modeling (1 cu; fall only) [BIOL 437]
  • BIOL 4234 Epigenetics (1 cu; spring only) [BIOL 483]
  • BIOL 5220 Human Evolutionary Genomics (1 cu; spring even years) [BIOL 522]
  • BIOL 5240 Genetic Analysis (1 cu; spring even years) [BIOL 540]
  • BIOM 5550 Regulation of the Genome (1 cu; spring only) [BIOL 555]

Advanced Experimental Research (2 cu):

  • BIOL 3711 Microbial Diversity and Pathogenesis Laboratory (1 cu; spring) [BIOL 376]
  • BIOL 4825 Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab (1 cu; fall and spring) [BIOL 425]
  • BIOL 3999 Independent Study (1 cu; fall or spring) [BIOL 399]
  • BIOL 4999 Advanced Independent Study (1 cu; fall or spring) [BIOL 499]

Students may substitute one course (1CU) from the following list for either Group 1 or Group 2 above:

  • BIOL 3008 Immunology in Action (1 cu; spring) [BIOL 308]
  • BIOL 3054 Developmental Biology (1 cu; spring) [BIOL 354]
  • BIOL 4701 Prokaryotic Microbiology:A Pragmatic View (1cu; fall) [BIOL 401]
  • BIOL 4233 Genetics of Adaptation: How Sex, Conflict, and Pathogens Shape Modern Genomes (1cu; spring) [BIOL 433]
  • BIOL 4310 Molecular Physiology (1 cu; spring) [BIOL 436]
  • BIOL 4235 The RNA World: A Functional and Computational Analysis (1 cu; not offered every year) [BIOL 485]
  • BIOL 4244 Epigenetics of Human Health and Disease (1 cu; not offered every year) [BIOL 493]